Evaluation of the physical vulnerability of the infrastructure using the concept of emergy.
The data of a methodology carried out for the Combeima river basin in Colombia (South America) is presented, in which the effect of the evolution of land use on the flood regime and physical vulnerability in the period 1976- 2017 through hydrological and hydraulic modeling and the implementation of a method for the evaluation of vulnerability to floods. This allowed confirming reports related to the statement that changes in land use produce effects on the behavior of direct runoff in watersheds and its relationship with the vulnerability of structures near surface watercourses. The research work focused on: i) evaluating the effect of changes in land use on physical vulnerability in the flood regime; ii) propose the evaluation of physical vulnerability based on the variation of soil properties through the concept of emergy. The results indicate that the incorporation of variables related to soil and the hydraulic properties of rivers improve the evaluation of vulnerability in land use change scenarios, so this approach could be useful for planners in decision-making processes.
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Unidad V Vulnerabilidad G Gravedad m/s2 E Exposición emergía Gi Energía libre de gibss J/kg S Sensibilidad Eg Energía geopotencial de la lluvia J CA Capacidad adaptativa Eq Energía quimica de la lluvia J T Transformicidad sej/unidad E Intensidad de la exposición Q Escorrentía sej emergía ɤe Densidad "empower" 10^{12} (sej/m2) P Precipitación sej A1 Area de tierra m2 A área de lluvia m Pp Precipitación m Es escorrentía mm gw densidad del agua kg/m3 Ev rata de evapotranspiración (%) Hmed Altitud media m 𝑉=(𝐸∗𝑆)/𝐶𝐴 𝐸=𝑄/𝑃 Q= Es *Trasnsformicidad 𝐸_𝑞=𝐴∗𝐸𝑣∗𝑃𝑝∗"ϒw"∗𝐺𝑖 𝐸_𝑔=𝐴∗𝑃𝑝∗"ϒw"∗(𝐻𝑚𝑒𝑑−𝐻𝑚𝑖𝑛)∗𝐺 si Eg>Eq P0 Eg*18200sej/J* T Si Eq>Eg P=Eq*10488 sej/J*T S= ɤe * A
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia