Appendix A. Supplementary information. List of routes and file paths or URL to the sites of official documents regarding to carcass chilling and hygiene.

Published: 31 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k7rn8m49gz.1
kumiko Kuzuoka


When searching for the regulations or guidelines that are the legal basis of administrative guidance, it is necessary to understand the legal system of each country. Understanding the legal system can be a daunting task for food business operators (FBOs) and official veterinarians (OVs) of other countries, since there are sometimes revisions to the law and reorganization of ministries and agencies. Therefore, for easy use by FBOs and OVs, we have listed the routes and file paths or URLs to each government site where official documents on carcass chilling and hygiene can be browsed. The list is published under a CC BY 4.0 license (Appendix A. Accessed 30 March 2022). I would like people from many countries to make up for the shortfalls.


Steps to reproduce

Some URL take 45 seconds to access by hyperlink. Direct input can connect instantly. Accessed 30 March 2022.


Gifu Daigaku


Biocontrol in Food
