Data for: In-Silico Drug Discovery for Covid19 by Targeting Spike Glycoprotein of Sars Cov - 2 (Wuhan Corona Virus 2019 Outbreak) Against the Docking Analysis with Structure Predicted Human ‘Ace2-Fc Region of Igg1’ Fusion Protein as a Protein Based Drug.
Abstract:The globe was frightened with a newly isolated virus named as sars cov 2 formally called as novel corona virus 2019.This work is predicting a protein based drug for sars cov 2.A virus was outbreaks at wuhan city of china on December 2019.The RNA sequence of that virsus was published in NCBI.(NCBI Ref Sequence:NC_045512.2)We collected the serface glycoprotein sequences from NCBI and genbank and predicted the protein structure with swiss model and phyre 2 protein structure prediction tools.The predicted spike glycoprotein was have a docking function with the human ACE2 receptor.We predicted the 3D structure of ACE2- FC region of IgG1 fusion protein and docked with virus spike glycoprotein and found a good docking potential of fusion protein with Sars Cov 2.ACE2- FC region of IgG1 will be use as a protein drug against SarsCoV 2. 2020 Ijcrt / volume 8,issue 2, February 2020 / ISSN:2320-2882