Geochemical and geophysical effects of tectonic activity in faulted areas of the North China Craton
Published: 12 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k7xtf85nr2.1
Zhi Chen, Ying Li, Liu zhaofei, Hongyi He, Giovanni Martinelli, Chang Lu, Zihan GaoDescription
The statistical data on the concentrations and fluxes of Rn and CO2 in soil gas from the main active fault zones are listed in Table 1, the specific data of the geochemical characteristic of soil gas are presented as (Supplementary Data); the data on the geochemical characteristic of springs within the active fault zones are listed in Table 2.
Isotope Geochemistry, Seismology, Analytical Geochemistry, Tectonics Structure, Mantle Geochemistry