Multi-century geological data thins the tail of observationally based extreme sea level curves

Published: 26 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k89vh8cf2m.1
Kristen Joyse,


This data includes daily maximum water levels from tide gauges and the ages of geological overwash observations that were used in case studies for our manuscript entitled "Multi-century geological data thins the tail of observationally based extreme sea level curves". One dataset contains daily maximum water levels from the Battery, New York, tide gauge and geological observations from a sediment core taken from Cheesequake State Park in New Jersey. The other dataset contains daily maximum water levels from the Woods Hole, Massachusetts, tide gauge and geological observations from a sediment core taken from Mattapoisett Marsh, Massachusetts. Tide gauge data was retrieved from NOAA. The Mattapoisett Marsh data comes from Castagno et al. (2021) The Cheesequake data comes from Joyse et al. (in review).



Nanyang Technological University Earth Observatory of Singapore, Rutgers University - Busch Campus


Sea Level, Extreme Event
