Data for: Age-related and atherosclerosis-related erythropathy in ApoE/LDLR‒/‒ mice
1. Zip file - The Raman spectra of RBC membranes recorded with 488 nm excitation wavelength and the laser power at the sample position was approximately 10 mW. Each presented spectrum was averaged from 5 single spectra without any pre-processing. Acquisition time per spectrum was 3 s (NF-non foxed/0,5% fixed). 2. Excel file - RBCs heights measured from AFM topography images for unfixed and fixed (0.5% glutaraldehyde) cells from C57BL/6J and ApoE/LDLR‒/‒ mice. The heights were measured at the highest point of the cross section profile. 3. Separate files - FTIR-ATR spectra of intact RBCs and RBC membranes. Spectra were recorded in the region of 3800-900 cm-1 with a 4 cm-1 spectral resolution and are presented before pre-processing. 4. The complete blood count performed with the use of an animal blood counter (Vet abc, Horiba Medical, France). 5. Blood gas analysis (BGA) performed with the BGA analyzer (RAPIDPoint 500, Siemens, Germany). 6. Biochemical analysis of blood plasma (cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides levels) was performed with biochemical analyzer: ABX Pentra 400, Horiba Medical, Japan).