Replication files for "Estimating shadow policy rates in a small open economy and the role of foreign factors" 2023 JIMF #102972

Published: 18 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/k8yzxpkw4x.1


This zip file contains data and Matlab replication files for "Estimating shadow policy rates in a small open economy and the role of foreign factors". Forthcoming at Journal International Money and Finance article number 102972 (2023)


Steps to reproduce

1. Unzip all the contents of the zipped folder a the desired path 2. Then, follow the instructions in the readme file 3. Run Matlab codes to reproduce figures and other results of the paper. 4. Enjoy.


Banco Central de Chile


Monetary Economics, Interest Rate, Chile, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Policy of Central Banks
