Evoked fNIRS Signals for Isolated Pain Event Classification in Thermal Quantitative Sensory Testing

Published: 18 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kb9pb6tzkg.1


1. Preprocessing Contains the data and code used for preprocessing. The raw data is stored in the following structure in "nirsc.mat". - (16,1) cell : 16 subject └ (1,4) struct : 4 task (Cold Threshold Test, Heat Threshold Test, Cold Tolerance Test, Heat Tolerance Test) └ headers, time, task, mark, count, oxyHb, deoxyHb, totalHb, chanlabs, srate nirsc_filtered.mat Data with wavelet-mdl applied using matlab's nirs-spm and a 0.01-0.09 bandpass filter applied using the matlab function. py_MakePythonData.m Generate h5 files by window size by segmentation from mat file. 2. Train Model Contains files for training the model. The files described below are the code you run to train, while the other files are included for dependencies. Needs output files of 'py_MakePythonData.m'. wandb-ORC-T-KFOLD_trialwise.py This code runs k-fold CV training on the HbO, HbR, and HbO&HbR datasets. wandb-ORC-T-LOSO16.py This code runs LOSO CV training on the HbO, HbR, and HbO&HbR datasets. wandb-ORC-T-KFOLD_trialwise_valid-Concentration.py This code runs k-fold CV training on the HbO† datasets. wandb-ORC-T-LOSO16_valid-Concentration.py This code runs LOSO CV training on the HbO† datasets. 3. Figure This is the code that creates the figure and supplementary figure. We need the output file of '2. Train Model'.


Steps to reproduce

We used computer-controlled Peltier plates to deliver precise thermal stimuli, aiming to differentiate pain conditions. These custom-made Peltier plates (11 mm x 55 mm x 3 mm, made of copper) were controlled via pulse-width modulation and relay switching to alternate between hot and cold stimuli. The thermode's temperature range was set between -5°C and 55°C. A heat sink was attached to the Peltier plate for cooling purposes, powered by a bipolar power supply (K.). A k-type thermocouple (R.) attached to the exposed side of the thermode was used to measure the temperature, and this thermocouple was connected to a PC through a USB interface (N.). A temperature controller scripted in MATLAB was responsible for sending voltage commands to the bipolar power supply through DAQ2 (N.), which then applied the appropriate voltage to the thermode. The experimental procedure was managed using a C-scripted program, which sent task commands to a screen and simultaneously transmitted task event signals to both the fNIRS signal acquisition device (S.) and DAQ1 (N.) to synchronize with the temperature controller input signal. DAQ1 shared task event signals with DAQ2 concurrently. Participants, wearing an fNIRS cap, responded to the task instructions on a monitor by pressing a mouse button while experiencing the thermal changes from the thermode. The button event signals were sent to both DAQ2 and the fNIRS signal acquisition device. PC2 recorded and stored the measured fNIRS signals, which were time-stamped with both button and task event signals.


Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Harvard Medical School


Quantitative Sensory Testing, Functional near Infrared Spectroscopy


National Research Foundation of Korea


National Research Foundation of Korea


National Research Foundation of Korea

