Composition data of 257 Hungarian medieval silver coins

Published: 4 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kbjrfkvcs3.1


The data contain composition data of 257 Hungarian medieval silver coins. The data are measured using x-ray fluorescent spectroscopy. Please, cite the original article as [1]: [1] A. Rácz, K. Héberger, R. Rajkó, J. Elek, Classification of Hungarian medieval silver coins using x-ray fluorescent spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. 2013 Heritage Science 1: 2 (9pp). The data have been used in different chemometrics investigations [2-4]. The data are deposited by Gergely Tóth with author agreement of [1]. Data structure: Number of rows: 257 (coins) Number of columns: 14 1. Serial No. 2-11. Metal content (Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Sn, Sb, Pb, Bi) 12-13: Historical classifications (categorical) 14. King faces (categorical) [2] H.J. Christie Olav, A. Rácz, J. Elek, K. Héberger, Classification and unscrambling a class-inside-class situation by object target rotation: Hungarian silver coins of the Árpád Dynasty, ad 997-1301. 2014 Journal of Chemometrics 28(4): 287-292. [3] G. Tóth and S. Amariamir Seriation, the method out of a chemist's mind 2018 Journal of Chemometrics 32(3-4):e2995 DOI:10.1002/cem.2995 [4] P. Király, R. Kiss, D. Kovács, A. Ballaj, G. Tóth, The relevance of goodness-of-fit, robustness and prediction validation categories of OECD-QSAR principles with respect to sample size and model type. 2022 Molecular Informatics 41 : 11 pp. 37-46. Paper: 2200072, 10 p.



Termeszettudomanyi Kutatokozpont Anyag- es Kornyezetkemiai Intezet


Chemistry, Analytical Method in Materials Science, Chemometrics, Heritage
