Multinational survey of attitudes towards recycling urine as fertiliser

Published: 4 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kccc8m9pn9.1
, Maria Elisa Magri, Shanta Dutta, Humayun Kabir, Albert Selvakumar, Xiaoqin Zhou, Yaping Lv, Tristan Martin, Thanasis Kizos, Efthimia Triantafyllou, Rupam Kataki, Yoram Gerchman, Ronit Herscu-Kluska, Dheaya Alrousan, Sahar Dalameh, Eng Giap Goh, Daniela Elenciuc, Aleksandra Głowacka, Laura Korculanin, Rongyu Veneta Tzeng, Saikat Sinha Ray, Mahesh Ganesapillai, Charles Niwagaba, Christine Prouty, James Mihelcic, Björn Vinnerås


This data set consists of anonymous survey responses to a standardized survey on attitudes towards recycling human urine as crop fertiliser. The survey was administered online in 2017 and 2018 to university community members from 20 universities in 16 countries, and resulted in 3,763 completed responses. The primary goal was to assess hypothetical willingness to buy and consume food grown with human urine as fertiliser, and the secondary goal was to identify potentially explanatory cross-cultural and country-specific factors. Both raw and cleaned data are provided here, as well as the survey instruments (English original and translated local versions). Data other than open-ended comments in the cleaned sheet (AllData.xlsx) were translated into English where necessary. An index to files and list of variables are given in IndexCodebook.pdf, and the survey methodology and data limitations are described in detail in a forthcoming Data in Brief paper (Barton et al., submitted).



Public Opinion, Nutrient, Fertilizer, Survey, Sustainable Agriculture, Recycling, Ecological Sanitation
