Data on agronomic variables of pastures in the humid subtropical zone of the province of Cotopaxi in Ecuador

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kcg99yc2xn.1


Agronomic data on the cultivation and production of pastures in "Subtrópico de Cotopaxi", a humid subtropical region of the province of Cotopaxi in Ecuador. Originally, a significant amount of data was not collected due to the complexity of the agronomic processes. Consequently, a dataset is published where the null data were imputed using the KNN algorithm. The first objective of this dataset is to standardize the information collection procedure in the cultivation and production of pastures in the humid subtropical zones of the province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. The second objective is to implement artificial intelligence algorithms to automate agronomic processes in Cotopaxi, Ecuador in the direction of smart agriculture.



Universidad Tecnica de Cotopaxi


Species in Agronomy, Pasture Production
