Becker et al scRNA-seq
Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kd5xwk3t5k.1
Samuel Becker, Description
Matrix file for single cell RNA sequencing experiment
Steps to reproduce
Raw fastq files were uploaded to 10x Genomics CellRanger to produce the matrix file "filtered_feature_bc_matrix 2.h5". There are 4 biological samples represented in the data. Each feature barcode is appended with a number 1, 2, 3, or 4 that indicates the sample number. These correspond to the biological specimens as follows: Sample 1, MHCIIWT female; Sample 2, MHCIIWT male; Sample 3, MHCIIdeltaCCR2 female; sample 4, MHCIIdeltaCCR2 male.
University of Minnesota