A Dataset on Static Test using 7.5% and 15% of Hydrogen Peroxide for Acid Mine Drainage Prediction
This dataset results from a study that aims to evaluate the differences in using two concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in a static test for the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) prediction. In Indonesia, static tests at the operational scale of mining companies, which aim to identify the potential for predicting AMD generation, are carried out using the net acid generating (NAG) test method. The test was carried out using 15% hydrogen peroxide, following the standards according to the ARD Test Handbook and the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). However, since 1990, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia's largest coal mining company, has implemented a NAG test using 7.5% hydrogen peroxide. The study took 564 rock core samples from exploration activities at Bengalon and Sangatta Mine Sites. In addition, a study was also conducted on NAG Solution by analysing the metal concentrations of Fe, Mn, SO4, oxidation-reduction potential, conductivity, total dissolved solids, and temperature changes during the addition of hydrogen peroxide. This dataset can be used to understand the behavior of sulfide minerals contained in rock samples when hydrogen peroxide is added as a strong oxidizing agent. There are also static test results using the acid-base accounting (ABA) method on 20 pulverized rock core samples representing potentially acid-forming (PAF) and non-acid-forming (NAF) categories.
Institut Teknologi Bandung