Supplementary information for 'The transfer of passive immunity in calves born at pasture'

Published: 16 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kdvcbwvrxm.1
Emma Cuttance


1. Table of the detail about the farms enrolled in the study 2. Table of detail of the STP between calves that suckled and did not suckle across the farms 3. Supplementary Figure 1. Scatterplot of hours from birth to removal at pasture and serum total protein concentrations (g/L) from blood samples collected prior to farmer feeding colostrum for each of the eight farms, and all calves combined. A locally weighted regression line is represented by a solid blue line, and the extent of the grey shaded area surrounding regression line is the 95% confidence limits of regression line. Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient is included for each farm, and overall. 4. Supplementary Figure 2. Scatterplot of hours from birth to first suckling event at pasture and serum total protein concentrations (g/L) from blood samples collected prior to farmer feeding colostrum for each of the eight farms, and all calves combined. A locally weighted regression line is represented by a solid blue line, and the extent of the grey shaded area surrounding regression line is the 95% confidence limits of regression line. 5.Supplementary Figure 3. Scatterplot of hours from birth to first suckling event at pasture and serum total protein concentrations (g/L) from post farmer fed blood sample, collected at approximately three days of age for each of the eight farms, and all calves combined. A locally weighted regression line is represented by a solid blue line, and the extent of the grey shaded area surrounding regression line is the 95% confidence limits of regression line.



Dairy Cattle
