Spike-wave seizures and "proepileptic" activity in WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy as recorded in the cortex, hippocampus and thalamus

Published: 29 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/kdvxtc9xcg.2
Evgenia Sitnikova


Version 2 Video-EEG file G8_ed2.avi v.1 is updated: the nomenclature of EEG channels is corrected. Records were taken in 8 months old male WAG/Rij rat during behavioral sleep. Bipolar recordings: Channel 1 (red)- the hippocampus, CA1 (locally); Channel 2 (green) - the ventrobasal thalamus, Po (locally). Monopolar recordings with the reference in the cerebellum: Channel 3 (blue) - the frontal cortex; Channel 4 (green) - the hippocampus, CA1; Channel 5 (red) - the ventrobasal thalamus, Po. Absence seizures (spike-wave discharges) are marked as "SWD" and episodes of "proepileptic" activity are marked as "ProEpi". "Proepileptic" activity appears in the form of rudimentary SWD prior to epileptic SWD or in the form of high voltage spindles during behavioral sleep. SWD are best seen in the monopolar recording in the frontal cortex (blue Channel 3), SWD are also present in the bipolar recordings in the hippocampus (green Channel 4) and the thalamus (red Channel 5), SWD are not seen in the monopolar recording in the hippocampus (red Channel 1).


Steps to reproduce

The rat was implanted with depth electrodes (2 pairs of wire electrodes) in the ventrobasal thalamus (AP = - 3.2; ML = 2.4-2.6; H = 5.8-6.0 [Paxinos & Watson, 1982]) and in CA1 hippocampus (AP = - 3.2; ML = 1.8; H = 3.35- 3.4). Video-EEG recordings were performed with PowerLab 8 (sample rate 1kHz). EEG records were additionally band-pass filtered between 0.5 and 98 Hz.


Institut Vyssej Nervnoj Deatel'nosti i Nejrofiziologii RAN


Rat Model, Video-Electroencephalogram, Absence Seizures
