Dynamics and Impact of Insitu Bitumen Seeps on Soil and Groundwater Resources
Retrieved sediment samples from the 15 m deep boreholes (A, B and C) were subjected to grain-size analysis. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) analysis of selected sediment and water samples from the boreholes and adjoining swamp delineated the presence, types and concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The sediments were retrieved as ditch-cuttings at 1 m intervals during the borehole construction. Pumping test data retrieved from pumping at each of the 3 boreholes for a maximum of 6 hours each, were analysed using the Neuman solution (Nueman, 1975) for an unconfined aquifer system to determine the hydraulic parameter of the aquifer.
Steps to reproduce
The Agilent Technologies 7890A gas chromatography and MS 5975C mass spectrometer detector were used to determine the type and concentration of the PAHs. The GC-MS instrument was coupled with the MassHunter Acquisition Software. The software was used for automatic calibration and optimization of the analysis. The pumping test was carried out as described by Kruseman, (2000) (https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1694(71)90015-1.) Analysis of the pumping test data was carried out using the Nueman, (1975) solution (Neuman, S.P., (1975). Analysis of Pumping Test Data from Anisotropic Unconfined Aquifers Considering Delayed Gravity Response. Water Resour. Res., 1L No. 2 (1975). 329.) Aquifer Hydraulic Parameter was determined from the analysis of pumping test data using the AquiferTest Pro Software by Waterloo Hydrologic 2020.