Numerical Study on the Influence of Propeller Geometric Parameters on Ice Load Characteristics

Published: 15 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kfyfrxmxkx.1
kang han, chao wang


We used peridynamics to simulate the interaction process of propeller blades with ice, obtaining numerical ice loads. This data represents the ice loads we obtained. We assumed brittle properties of sea ice, without viscosity or plastic deformation, as a homogeneous material. We verified the accuracy of the numerical model by comparing it with experimental models and subsequently analyzed the characteristics of ice loads on propeller blades of different geometric shapes, leading to the following findings: 1) The established propeller-ice contact model effectively simulates propeller interactions. Ice loads during milling exhibit significant periodic characteristics. Spectral analysis indicates that the amplitude at blade frequency is a major component of the ice load. 2) Within the design space, variations in three-dimensional geometric parameters of the propeller do not significantly affect axial and Y-axis loads. However, they may cause alternating direction phenomena in radial loads. The occurrence of alternating radial load directions relates to the radial projection area of blade surfaces at the blade tip. During the latter 1/4 cycle phase of contact with sea ice, larger projected areas inhibit ice fragments from escaping, thus not causing a change in load direction. 3) Axial ice loads are significantly higher than tangential and radial ice loads. It is reasonable to evaluate axial and tangential loads using averages. However, due to the directional variability of loads, averaging radial loads is inappropriate; using the amplitude at blade frequency is more suitable instead.



