2-year Mortality and Dynamics in Patients with Chronic Disorders of Consciousness

Published: 4 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kfz2s299x4.1
Julia Nekrasova, Михаил Канарский


The objective of this study was to first time in Russian Federation collect data on the survival and the level of consciousness of patients with chronic disorders of consciousness (cDOC), and based on them search for prognostic markers of survival and positive dynamic of the level of consciousness on long-terms outcomes (up to 24 months). All patients (n=184) had a diagnosis of cDOC and were admitted to Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology after anoxic brain injury (n = 52), vascular lesions (n = 50), traumatic brain injury (n = 74), and other causes (n=8). Our research showed that the survival rate (less then 30 %) and the rate of consciousness recovery (5 %) are both low, though not differ seriously from existing data for this category of patients. We hope, that the data obtained can aid in choosing the vector of further medical and social way of each cDOC patient and design appropriate measures to help the patient himself and, what can be equally important, his relatives.



FGBNU Federal'nyj naucno-kliniceskij centr reanimatologii i reabilitologii


Epidemiology, Consciousness
