Flow-shop manufacturer S&OP data
Instance containing the data used by a hybrid MTS/MTO flow shop manufacturer during S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning). The company produces electric cables. The cables are processed throughout different stages: wire drawing, annealing, twisting and stranding, extrusion, cabling, steel armoring, outer sheathing. This instance concerns one family of products, with data from procurement (raw materials and semi-finished products acquisition), production and packing, and sales (orders and forecasts/target safety stocks for MTS products). Some details about the instance: finished products - 67, MTO products - 26, MTS products - 41, semi-finished products - 225, products - 292, semi-finished products that can be acquired from the market - 40, raw materials - 4, orders - 61, production alternatives - 592, machines - 39, packing machines - 7.