Data for: Attenuation of DSS Induced Colitis by Dictyophora Indusiata Polysaccharide (DIP) via Modulation of Gut Microbiota and Inflammatory Related Signaling Pathways
In this study, we aimed to determine the therapeutic potential of crude polysaccharide (DIP) that was isolated from the mushroom Dictyophora indusiata in the amelioration of DSS induced colitis. Previously, our research group has reported DIP activity in the restoration of gut microbiota in an antibiotic driven intestinal dysbiosis mouse model. Kanwal, S., Joseph, T., Owusu, L., Xiaomeng, R., Meiqi, L., & Yi, X. (2018). A polysaccharide isolated from Dictyophora indusiata promotes recovery from antibiotic-driven intestinal dysbiosis and improves gut epithelial barrier function in a mouse model. Nutrients, 10(8), 1003. So far numerous biological activities of polysaccharide from the mushroom D.indusiata have been reported, however, to the best of our knowledge, its impact on the DSS induced colitis has not been explored yet. In this study, we investigated the role and contribution of DIP in the attenuation of DSS induced colitis. Our finding revealed a promising effect of DIP in the alleviation of DSS induced colitis and associated symptoms. We believe, that this study will add value in the implication of polysaccharide DIP from the mushroom D.indusiata as dietary therapeutics after detailed pre-clinical and clinical studies.