Files for "Localized Macrophage Stimulation with Small Molecule TLR Agonist via Fluidic Force Microscopy"

Published: 13 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/kgtt279fp7.2
Elizabeth Mulder


Supporting data and code for "Localized Macrophage Stimulation with Small Molecule TLR Agonist via Fluidic Force Microscopy, " manuscript in preparation. Includes: example data and full code referenced in the paper, and diffusion modeling for the agonist R848 using AlexaFluor488. This protocol paper supports the manuscript "Evidence of Collective Influence in Innate Sensing using Fluidic Force Microscopy." The hypothesis of this work is that Fluidic Force Microscopy can be used for local immune cell stimulation in culture, on the order of single macrophages or small clusters of macrophages. The paper describes the full protocol for those experiments, quantification and analysis methods, and the method for determining the agonist concentration as it is dispensed and diffuses away from the dispensing point. For details on data interpretation, see the manuscript.


Steps to reproduce

For method details, see publication.


University of Chicago


Immunology, Microscopy, Macrophage, Diffusion, Image Analysis


National Science Foundation


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

75N93019C00041, 5U01AI124286-06

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Defense Threat Reduction Agency


Pew Charitable Trusts

National Science Foundation

