Data set of wind-waves interactions in the Gulf of Eilat (IUI), June 2017
A data set containing records of water waves, wind and water column pressure data collected continuously for over 50 hours during June 2017 at the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat (IUI-Eilat). The measurements began on June 11th at 9:32:55 and ended on June 13th at 13:15:08, which is the last data recorded in the last measurement data file. The measurements took place off the edge of a 40 meters long pier (29o30.1084N and 34o55.0623E) at water depth of 4.5 m. The shoreline near the measurement site is aligned at about 45 deg East to the magnetic North. All sensors were configured to analog output and their respective signals were recorded simultaneously at 80 Hz and saved to a series of 204.8 sec (2^14 data points) long Tab-delimited text files. All data were saved in physical units of water surface elevation [m], wind velocity [m/s], and water column pressure [Pa]. Naming pattern of data files begins with the type of measurement, followed by a time stamp in the form of "…_DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm_ss", all files have extension ".dat". Four different files were saved simultaneously: 1. wave gauges records containing five columns in each file (one for every gauge data). 2. pressure gauge records in a single column 3+4. higher and lower ultrasonic anemometers records arranged in two separate files, each with three columns corresponding the three Cartesian velocity field components. A Matlab® file (and README file) used for Wavelet Directional Method (WDM) estimation is also included.