Radiocesium concentrations and δ15N and δ13C values of freshwater fish and aquatic organisms in Fukushima

Published: 28 March 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/khjz5h989j.3
Yumiko Ishii,
, Seiji Hayashi


Data of radiocesium concentrations of freshwater fish and aquatic organisms in Fukushima. The samples were derived from radiocesium monitoring of the freshwater food web in two rivers and two lakes at Fukushima. Data include radiocesium activity concentrations in periphyton, litter, fish, aquatic insects and other aquatic organisms, in addition to δ13C and δ15N values by stable isotope analysis. The data is provided in Excel format, with the data tab and details of each column in the notes tab.



Aquatic Insects, Lake Ecosystem, River Ecosystem, Radionuclide, Freshwater Ecology
