Determination of Climate Change Vulnerability
The data captures household details of plantain producers in southwest Nigeria and their responses on climate change as it affects the production of plantain in the study area. the first part covers socioeconomic characteristics of the plantain producers while the later part captures climate related issues.
Steps to reproduce
A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for this study. The first stage involved the purposive selection of Oyo, Ondo and Osun states in southwest Nigeria. These states were selected because of the predominance of plantain production. In the second stage, five Local Government Areas (LGAs) were purposively selected based on the intensity of plantain production. The third stage involved random selection of two villages from which 10 farmers were selected randomly, through the balloting approach, from the list of registered plantain farmers to give 100 plantain farmers per state resulting to a total of 300 plantain farmers.