Feeding mango peel silage improved feed intake, energy supply and growth performances of dairy male calves
The major challenges for disposal of waste from fruit processing factories are high transportation costs, limited landfill availability and environmental pollution. Therefore, developing efficient waste management techniques to reduce transportation costs and environment pollution is important. Mango peels (MP) are abundant during the mango season and high in fermentable carbohydrate, which can easily breakdown and pollute the environment if a proper waste management method is not implemented. Thus, in this study, fresh MP were ensiled after sun-dried for one day and then fed to dairy male calves as the roughage source to evaluate its effect on feed intake, digestibility, energy balance, body weight gain, feed efficiency and blood metabolites. Eight growing crossbred dairy male calves (Holstein Friesians × Zebu) were allocated into two groups [Control (n = 4) and mango peel silage (MPS, n = 4)]. This experiment lasted for 12 weeks and daily feed offered and refusal were recorded to determine the daily feed intake. Digestion trial was performed at the last five days of experiment. Body weight and measurement were recorded every two weeks interval to determine the weight gain and body physical improvement. Blood was collected at the end of experiment to analyze the serum biochemical parameters. Ensiling improved the energy and protein contents and decreased fibre content of MP, thereby improving the forage quality. Feeding MPS to calves increased (P < 0.05) feed intake, energy supply and energy balance, changes in body measurements, weight gain, feed efficiency, and glucose concentration, as well as lowered (P < 0.05) the urea nitrogen concentration. Ensiling fresh MP after sun-drying for one day improved silage quality, and feeding MPS to dairy male calves as a roughage source improved feed intake, energy supply and growth performances. Therefore, ensiling fresh MP could improve the feed supply for ruminant production and be an effective waste management strategy for fruit processing businesses.
Steps to reproduce
Silage characteristics were physically accessed. Forage quality was determined by chemical compositions. Feed intakes were recorded using digital balance. Feed digestibility was determined by marker method. Body weight was measured using digital balance. Body measurements were recorded using the measuring tape. Chemical composition was analysis by AOAC methods. Nitrogen (N) content was analyzed by using Kjeldahl method (Foss 2020 digester and Foss 2100 Kjeltec distillation unit). Blood samples were analyzed by the blood chemistry analyzer (IDEXX Vet Test, version 8.54A, IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. USA). Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS for Windows version 16.0 (Chicago, SPSS Inc.).
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit section.