The examples of locally-matched images, blood flow images and a resulting vessel image of the 26 hpf unhatched zebrafish embryo

Published: 17 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kj7mkcw8vn.1
, Demid Khokhlov,


The dataset contains raw images of the 26 hpf unhatched zebrafish embryo captured using the setup described below and the short video presenting the locally-matched images, blood flow images and a resulting vessel image. The images were acquired using the experimental setup described in the original manuscript. Experimental setup is based on transmitted light microscope with Koehler bright-field illumination. Imaging part consists of microscopic objective (10x NA 0.25), tube lens and monochrome CMOS camera (IDS UI-3060CP, 1/1.2", 1936x1216 pixels). Specimen is placed in a Petri dish located on a precise XYZ translation stage exactly in the front focal plane of the microscopic objective, which, in tandem with tube lens, forms an image in the plane of camera sensor. The CMOS camera is plugged to the PC that provides image acquisition, storage, processing and visualization. The image processing algorithms are described in previously published paper: Machikhin A, Burlakov A, Volkov M, Khokhlov D. 2020 Imaging photoplethysmography and videocapillaroscopy enable non-invasive study of zebrafish cardiovascular system functioning. Journal of Biophotonics jbio.202000061 (doi: 10.1002/jbio.202000061)



Microscopy, Image Processing, Danio Rerio, Biomedical Imaging, Cardiovascular Monitoring
