Influence of lanthanide (Gd, Tb or Ce) and silver doping on the luminescence lifetimes of calcium borate investigated by pulsed optically stimulated luminescence

Published: 17 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kjczmg942g.1
Leonardo França,


Here it is presented raw and processed data of the photon arrival time distributions (PATDs) for estimation of lifetimes as reported in the paper "Influence of lanthanide (Gd, Tb or Ce) and silver doping on the luminescence lifetimes of calcium borate investigated by pulsed optically stimulated luminescence". Three spreadsheets contain raw and processed data for the following analyses: 1) Estimation of the luminescence lifetimes, including estimation of the relative contributions of the luminescence components (Spreadsheet1_Lifetimes); 2) Lifetimes and PATDs as a function of temperature (Spreadsheet2_Temperature) and 3) Lifetime estimation using narrow band-pass filters and reproducibility of the PATDs, both using the Gd-Ag(3)- doped compound (Spreadsheet3_Gd-Ag(3)).


Steps to reproduce

1) Lifetimes estimation (file: Spreadsheet1_Lifetimes"): The page "Raw_Data_1" shows the raw data of the PATDs recorded with three different pulse widths for all compounds. For each compound, a specific procedure for the lifetime estimation was followed, as described in the page "Lifetimes_Estimation" of the spreadsheet. Specific procedures had to be made to improve the precision in the estimation of the lifetimes. The method for estimation of the relative contributions of the individual luminescence components is described in the page "Relative_contributions (R_i)" of the spreadsheet; 2) Lifetimes and PATDs as a function of temperature (file: "Spreadsheet2_Temperature"): The page "Raw_Data_2" shows the raw data of the PATDs recorded at different temperatures. The estimation of the lifetimes followed specific procedures for each compound, as described in the "PATDs_Lifetimes" page of the spreadsheet. The areas of the PATDs were calculated (shown in "PATDs_Areas" page) using the same methodology described for the calculation of the relative contributions of the luminescence components; 3) Lifetime estimation using narrow band-pass filters and reproducibility of lifetimes using the Gd-Ag(3) sample (file: "Spreadsheet3_Gd-Ag(3)"): The page "Raw_Data_3" shows the raw data of the PATDs recorded with different narrow band-pass filters and two different pulse widths. The estimation of the lifetimes was performed as described for the other analyses (see "Filters_Lifetimes" page); The page "Raw_Data_4" shows the raw data of the PATDs recorded with three different aliquots of the Gd-Ag(3) sample. The same procedure of the lifetime estimation applied to the other analyses was followed (see "Reproducibility_Lifetimes" page). Notes: All PATDs shown in the spreadsheets as "raw data" were collected by exporting the time-tagged-time-resolved (TTTR) data of pulsed-OSL with specific bin widths as described in the paper; All PATDs intensities as well as the area under the PATDs presented in the published paper were normalized; All conditions and parameters used for recording the data are described in the "materials and methods" section of the published paper.


Paul Scherrer Institut


Luminescence, Optically Stimulated Luminescence
