Signatures of shallow and deep clouds inferred from precipitation microphysics over windward side of Western Ghats
The data set for the JGR: Atmospheres article - "Signatures of shallow and deep clouds inferred from precipitation microphysics over windward side of Western Ghats" Authors: R. K. Sumesh, E. A. Resmi, C. K. Unnikrishnan, Dharmadas Jash, K. K. Ramachandran Authors Affiliation: Atmospheric Science Group, ESSO-National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), MoES, Govt. of India, Kerala, India Instrument data that are used to understand the macro-physical features of clouds and associated precipitation micro-physics over coastal and high-altitude locations on the windward side of Western Ghats. (1) Lufft ceilometer CHM15k (2) OTT PARSIVEL disdrometer (3) Metek Micro Rain Radar These data are collected from coastal cloud physics observatory and high-altitude cloud physics observatory (HACPO) established by National Centre for Earth Science Studies. The data during the pre-monsoon (March to May) and post-monsoon (October to December) months for the years 2017 and 2018 are attached here as NetCDF files. Micro Rain Radar data is available for 2018 post-monsoon and 2019 pre-monsoon.