Data for: An Overview of Asnaf Entrepreneurship Program by Lembaga Zakat Selangor, Malaysia
Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) has introduced the asnaf entrepreneurship program in order to encourage the productive asnaf to generate their own income. This income is expected to cover the daily needs as well as to create surplus which enable the asnaf to graduate from the asnaf status. The basis of this effort is based on the wide method that can be used in utilising the distribution of zakat fund as quoted from Qardawi (2009) that Islam has fixed the mechanism of collection but remain flexible in certain part of distribution. This program, is expecting to help and hand-in-hand with the participants to groom and develop them to become a successful asnaf entrepreneurs. This paper, provides an overview of the program in understanding the ways that being done by Lembaga Zakat Selangor; to look into the potential and prospect of any new opportunity and understanding the strength and weaknesses of the existing program.