Pinus banksiana and Fraxinus nigra dataset for the study of spring temperature in eastern boreal Canada

Published: 15 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kk2rsk7rj6.1


Data include tree-ring widths and wood anatomical chronologies of Pinus banksiana and Fraxinus nigra trees growing in eastern boreal Canada, as well as the reconstructed spring mean temperature, reported in "A 247-years tree-ring reconstruction of spring temperature and relation to spring flooding in eastern boreal Canada" published in "International journal of Climatology" by Nolin et al., 2021. PIBA_FRNI_Chronos.csv, the tree-ring widths and wood anatomical chronologies (1706-2017) used in this study (species and sites are coded as in Table 1); PIBA_FRNI_SampDepth.csv, the annual replication of samples used to produce each chronologies (1706-2017); PIBA_FRNI_RecSpringTemp.csv, the reconstructed mean spring temperature (1770 to 2016) LAT_LON_SpringTemp.kml, the coordinate data for each sampling site: metadatas.txt, a set of self-explanatory instructions and descriptions for data files. All other data are available upon request to the corresponding author at (institutional email), (permanent email).



Fraxinus, Pinus banksiana, Temperature, Dendrochronology, Tree Ring, Paleoclimate, Flood
