Physical simulation of obstructive respiratory dysfunction

Published: 8 September 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/kk6hktdydg.3
Jaimey Clifton, Ella Guy, Jennifer Knopp, geoff chase


To simulate chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) the device designed is to be used with an existing venturi-based flow sensor with a y-split tube to separate inhalation and exhalation. The device is to be attached to the exhalatory side of the y-split to leave inhalation unchanged. The device is comprised of both low and high resistance outlets. During exhalation air initially fills the low resistance free volume, as this fills and pressure increases the flow is diverted out of the fixed high resistance outlet. This diversion creates an increase in the resistance to end-exhalation to simulate to non-linearity in resistance to exhalation found in people who have COPD. The customisable sizing of the free volume allows multiple levels of COPD severity to be simulated. This can additionally be changed to suit the application as each part is 3D printed. This device would be used for respiratory research to validate models using healthy people and non-invasive methods. - COPD simulation - Low cost validation of respiratory models - Non-invasive data collection



University of Canterbury


Biomedical Research
