EGO-2000, Human elements, virtues, phobias, manias for Quantum Marketing Applications
The EGO dataset describes the human distinction points that everybody has differently than anyone else. Dataset prepared for NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) but currently is used for simple quantum marketing applications. The dataset has 2011 records in three parts. [1] The first part has 1566 records interpreting all normal human beings' points. It was made out of a simple but persistent dictionary look-up method. The second part has 237 records of all human virtues according to Saint Damascenus's work in the 6th century in Syria. [2] The third part, 208 Phobias and manias The spreadsheet file has three sheets: 1-all 1803 points in Universal language and Greek. 2-the 1566 human points of interest. 3-the 237 virtues of Saint John Damascenus that did not translate yet into English. FINALLY a matlab code is attached. The result is that the number of different possible human being has 1844 digits. By itself this number is impressive to mathematicians. References 1. Kanavas, V. G., Zisopoulos, A. D., & Dimitrios, R. (2017). Non-Administrative Models to Deteriorate Tax Evasion, a Socio-Cybernetic Application using NLP Archives for Taxpayer Euphoria Formation. Research in Applied Economics, 9(4), 25-40. DOI:10.5296/rae.v9i4.11904 2. Lenhart, John M. "The Capuchin Prefecture Of New England (1630-1656)." Franciscan Studies, New Series, 3, no. 3 (1943): 306-13.
Steps to reproduce
two column simple list