Compiled Dataset of Acoustic Products in North America - Environmental, Health, and Manufacturing Information

Published: 23 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kkkrtm3bx7.1
Jonathan Broyles


This dataset details the environmental, health, manufacturing, and other building product information (e.g., acoustic performance, fire rating) for over 100 North American acoustic products. The dataset provides information for acoustic panels (walls and ceiling), acoustic baffles, acoustic resilient layers, and other applications in the built environment. For more information and to see a case study on how to leverage the dataset, please see Broyles & Srubar III "A comprehensive dataset of upfront environmental emissions, health, and manufacturing information of building acoustic products in North America" (currently in review).



University of Colorado Boulder


Acoustics, Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon Dioxide Emission, Building Design, Built Environment
