Laser Powder-Bed Fusion Simulation of mechanical data at part scale (IHPC-A*star)

Published: 23 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kkmzjr3wv7.1


# Data set description This dataset is attached to research paper *"Data-driven surrogate modelling of residual stresses in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion"* written by L. Lestandi, J.C. Wong, G.Y. Dong, J. Mikula, G. Vastola, U. Kizhakkinan, C.S. Ford, D.W. Rosen, M.H. Dao, M.H. Jhon. It was generated using A*Star Digital Twin for Additive Manufacturing and is used in the paper for surrogate modeling. This data was produced with the financial support was provided by the Science and Engineering Research Council, A*STAR, Singapore (Grant no. A19E1a0097). ## Geometries Two families of geometries are present: 1. A quasi 2D plate with hole. The hole is a parametrized ellipsoid with 2 paramters : M the length of the long axis and $\Theta$, the tilt angle of the long axis which are reflected in the naming convention. An unused paramet m is unused and always read 10. 2. A "wedge" 3D geometry with varying height, base and top width. lx is the lenght along axis x at the base plate, Lx is the lenght along axis x at the top of the wedge, H is the height of wedge and Ly is the length of the wedge. More details and figures are available in the paper. ## Data structure and content Training sets and test sets are separated. The training sets are sampling the parametre space on a regular grid. The tests sets are made of 10 samples randomly drawn in the parameter space. - `` - contains 10 test samples for plate with hole geometry - `` - contains 143 training samples for plate with hole geometry + a "circular hole" sample which is used as a reference geometry in the paper - `` - contains 10 test samples for wedge geometry - `` - contains 150 training samples for wedge geometry In each of these, individual samples are stored in a specific directory named after the geometry and a binary data file stores a python list of pyvista objects that can be opened with pickle, this is not recommended way to access the data but it is faster. Each sample specific directory contains the following (here on plate with hole example): - `PWH_M10_m10_theta0_V_pygem-as-built.vtk` the output of the FOM in VTK ascii format, the part has **not** been removed from the plate and no thermal postprocessing is performed - `PWH_M10_m10_theta0_V_pygem-plate-removed.vtk` the output of the FOM in VTK ascii format, the part has been removed from the plate and no thermal postprocessing is performed - `PWH_M10_m10_theta0_V_pygem.stl` the target geometry as fed to the model Feel free to contact the first author for further details.


Steps to reproduce

This data was generated using A*star Digital Twin for additive manufacturing which is proprietary and under development, thus it cannot be reproduced without contacting the authors ( The set is designed for surrogate model development or further work validation.


Ecole centrale de Nantes, Agency for Science Technology and Research


Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Design for Additive Manufacture
