Community Based Real-Time Simulation for Product Development
The dataset presents data developed during the work supported by the Academy of Finland under grant 316106, ”Community Based Real-Time Simulation for Product Development” at LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland. The description of the data files saved as Excel spreadsheets under the Excel Graphs folder is as follows. The scope of this study covers the three main types of flow characteristics: (i) Quick opening, (ii) Linear, and (iii) Equal percentage. · Cylinders_vel.xlsx Effects of valve flow lift boom piston speed. The figure presents the piston speed of the lift boom cylinders using a similar set of control inputs. The results demonstrate a logical explanation, where the quick opening characteristic curve results in a more abrupt change of piston speed followed by the linear and equal percentage characteristic curves. · Results.xlsx · Results _clean.xlsx · Results _notclean.xlsx · Sample_run_scoring The scorings of 3 players. · Sim_databases_exp.xlsx · Simulator experience (Responses) - Form responses 1 Comments from players after simulation. · Spline_change_model.xlsx Possible flow characteristic curves of control valves. · splines.xlsx The original value characteristic curve (dark blue or purple) and the corresponding exponential (quick opening) linear characteristic curve for the simulation.
Research Council of Finland