Data for Formulation of an Innovative Model for the Bioeconomy: Unraveling the Secrets of a Sustainable Future

Published: 10 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kpm9r53srw.1
Carlos Alberto Zúniga-Gonzalez,


This dataset contains the components utilized in a comprehensive literature review and theoretical modeling study on the bioeconomy. The dataset includes references to academic articles and publications relevant to the bioeconomy, as well as supplementary materials such as tables, diagrams, and models developed during the study. Additionally, the dataset includes information on the database accessed for literature review purposes, which was sourced from Scopus. The materials in this dataset serve as the foundation for the theoretical framework constructed in the study, offering insights into the dynamics and interrelationships within the bioeconomy domain. Researchers interested in exploring the sources consulted or utilizing the theoretical model developed in this study are encouraged to access the dataset for further analysis and reference.


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This protocol lays the groundwork for a rigorous and systematic investigation into the bioeconomy, with the ultimate goal of developing a theoretical model that can serve as a valuable tool for researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders alike. [1]Literature review on bioeconomy and existing models: An exhaustive review of literature related to the bioeconomy was conducted, including different theoretical models and previously proposed approaches. Development of a comprehensive theoretical model: [2] Base Concept or Theory: Fundamental concepts and theories related to the bioeconomy were identified and reviewed. [3] Variables: Relevant variables for the theoretical model were defined and delineated, considering economic, environmental, and social aspects. Economic Theories Relevant to the Bioeconomy: Relevant economic theories were explored and evaluated to understand the dynamics and challenges of the bioeconomy. [4]Assumptions of the DEA Model - Georgescu-Roegen's Bioeconomic Model: The assumptions underlying the model of the bioeconomy proposed by Georgescu-Roegen were analyzed and examined. [5] The measurement scopes of DEA-SFA for Georgescu-Roegen's bioeconomic model: Measurement scopes relevant for assessing economic and environmental performance within the framework of Georgescu-Roegen's model were determined. [6] Key components of Georgescu-Roegen’s Bioeconomic Model: Essential components of the model proposed by Georgescu-Roegen, including aspects related to resource use, production, and the environment, were identified and described. Data Source: Data used in the study were collected from Scopus, an academic database, to obtain information on existing models, relevant economic theories, and other aspects related to the bioeconomy.


Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua Leon, Consejo Nacional de Innovacion Ciencia y Tecnologia, Colegio de Postgraduados, Universidad Mayor de San Andres


Analytical Modeling, Circular Bioeconomy
