Physical modeling of bank migration in an S-shaped channel

Published: 24 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kr8tvtdyt3.1
, Andreas Niedermayr, Jakob Siedersleben


In 2004, the Versuchsanstalt Obernach, part of the Technische Universität München, conducted two experiments investigating bank migration in an S-shaped channel based on the geometry of the Isar River between Plattling and its confluence with the Danube. The data from the two experiments (K1 and K2) are explained in the file 'Physical Modelling of Bank Migration in an S-Shaped Channel.pdf.' Additionally, the repository also contains the report describing the model results, the appendix, and a publication about river widening, which mentions the physical model tests.



Universitat Innsbruck, Technische Universitat Munchen


Hydraulics, River Dynamics, River Geography, River Restoration, River, River Engineering
