Examples of artificial intelligence applications and ways to use them in Arab universities

Published: 15 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ks9mpxyt84.1
Ahmed Alalaq


Artificial intelligence tools are among the most prominent features of the contemporary digital revolution that the worlds of computing and digitization have gone through and the extent to which humanity uses these developments and the extent to which it keeps up with this qualitative boom. Artificial intelligence tools have varied in all aspects and scientific specializations. Some of them are specialized in montage and the creation of video clips and audio clips, some of them are able to create and modify images and the impressive results that accompany that process, some are specialized in the field of medical and theoretical sciences, and some are in the human sciences. Including the media aspect. Our research deals with some of those artificial intelligence tools whose work is centered in the field of media with its various specializations, work, and fields. In the beginning, we will talk about what artificial intelligence is and how it works, and in the second axis, we will discuss a number of those tools and how to access them and deal with them with illustrative pictures, and then We discuss the intended importance of these tools and the impact and extremely important results they leave in the field of developing and modernizing the media system at the level of the Arab world.



Artificial Intelligence
