Social Participation Type and Career Adaptability Among Young Adults in Poland: An Examination of the Mediation Effect of Promotional and Preventive Regulatory Focus

Published: 7 August 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/ksw23zzxcv.4
Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz


The aim of the presented study was to investigate the relationship between the career adapt-ability and the implementation of developmental tasks by young adults with regard to life orientation type, and to check whether self-regulation is a mediator in the relationship between life orientation and career adapt-ability. In total, 435 young adults (274 women and 160 men) aged 18 to 34 years were included (M = 23.76; SD = 3.37). The study used the Social Participation Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz Partycypacji Społecznej – KPS) by Brzezińska, Hejmanowska and Rękosiewicz, based on the theoretical approach to life orientation by Reinders, Bergs-Winkels, Butz and Claßen, as well as the Social Participation Self-Regulation Scale by Kolańczyk, Bąk and Brzezińska, based on Higgins, and the Polish version of the CareerAdapt-Abilities Scale-5 by Savickas and Portfeli (five-factor version by Nye and colleagues). This analysis was aimed at verifying the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: The type of life orientation is significantly related to the type of social participation and career adapt-ability. It is assumed that a transitive orientation, as well as the assimilation and integration of social participation types, are positively associated with all dimensions of career adapt-ability, while the moratorium orientation, as well as the marginalization and segregation types, are negatively associated. Hypothesis 2: A significant relationship exists between self-regulation and the components of career adapt-ability: Hypothesis 2a: in the case of promotional standards, this relationship will be positive Hypothesis 2b: In the case of preventive standards, this relationship will be negative Hypothesis 3: A significant relationship exists between self-regulation and life orientations Hypothesis 3a: in the case of promotional standards, there will be a positive relationship with a transitive orientation and a negative relationship with a moratorium one Hypothesis 3b: in the case of preventive standards, there will be a positive relationship with a moratorium orientation and a negative relationship with a transitive one Hypothesis 4: Self-regulation mediates the relationship between life orientation and career adapt-ability. Due to the young age of the respondents, a significant mediation effect can be expected from promotional standards, because they are activated by the needs of growth and development and focus the individual on achieving positive results.



Uniwersytet Lodzki


Career Psychology
