NACID - Nitrogen Deposition 1
This database contains estimates of annual total nitrogen (N) deposition for the purpose of supporting terrestrial ecosystem modelling in North America. It was constructed at 1-km resolution with coverage of Alaska, Canada, and the conterminous U.S., with continuous annual coverage from 1860 to 2013. Estimates were produced by acquiring and compiling best-available data sources: Wet N deposition was estimated from interpolation of monthly ammonium and nitrate concentration measurements and from grids of monthly precipitation. Dry N deposition was estimated from satellite measurements of ammonium and nitrogen oxides. Total N deposition for the pre-industrial era was derived from previous modelling studies. As these source datasets covered different time periods, several assumptions were required to produce a continuous record. Additional details are presented in Hember (2018). Hember, 2018. Spatially and temporally continuous estimates of annual total nitrogen deposition over North America, 1860-2013. Data In Brief. Specs: Version: 1 Release: 2017-11-30 Spatial coverage: Alaska, Canada, and conterminous United States Spatial resolution: 1 km Temporal coverage: 1860-2013 Temporal resolution: Annual Format: Geotiff Units: kgN/ha/yr Scale factor: 0.1