Integer and Constraint Programming Models for the Straight and U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing with Hierarchical Worker Assignment Problem

Published: 22 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ktzy3r6k6r.2
Eyüp Ensar IŞIK,


Computational results and model codes of the study entitled Integer and Constraint Programming Models for the Straight and U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing with Hierarchical Worker Assignment Problem. The first page of the file Sup Material 1(S-ALBHWP) individually presents the results obtained for the S-ALBHWP. Along with the Constraint Programming model results developed within the scope of the study, the results of the previous study in the literature are also presented. The second page contains summary information. Similarly, the file Sup Material 2(U-ALBHWP) individually presents the results obtained for U-ALBHWP. The file Sup Material 3(CPLEX Models) contains the CPLEX codes of the Integer and Constraint Programming Models developed within the scope of the study.



Yildiz Teknik Universitesi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi


Industrial Engineering, Integer Programming, Constraint Programming, Assembly Line Balancing
