Prevalence of upper back pain among computer engineering students
Upper back pain is a common musculoskeletal problem that affects a significant proportion of the population worldwide. The prevalence of upper back pain is particularly high among individuals who spend long hours sitting in front of a computer, such as university computer engineering students. These students are required to spend a considerable amount of time working on computers, which can lead to poor posture, muscle tension, and discomfort in the upper back region. The study was an online cross-section survey on prevalence of upper back pain among university computer engineering students, both male and female of aged 18-25 years of computer engineering are included in this study. The study was taken among total of 248 computer engineering students. The study was conducted for a period of 9 months from August 2022 to April 2023.
Steps to reproduce
The study was an online cross-section survey on prevalence of upper back pain among university computer engineering students, both male and female of aged 18-25 years of computer engineering are included in this study. Self-administered 18 questionnaire were used. The questionnaire were divided into four parts: Demographic, work condition and duration, pain and ergonomics related. Questionnaire were circulated through social media (WhatsApp, Facebook) and the responses were collected. The result was analyzed using SPSS-26.