[dataset] Descriptively Analysis of Coffee & Production Challenges in Kenya from 1893 to 2018

Published: 14 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kvms7x8jyk.1
Richard Wanzala


The dataset (attached as excel file) contains data collected from FAOSTAT, ICO and online research publication on coffee. Specifically, data was collected on coffee production from 1961 to 2018 for East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia) and major global producers of coffee (Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam). This data was used to determine the competitiveness of Kenyan coffee in the wake other players in the East African region and top global producers. To examine the challenges facing coffee production Kenya, data for several variables were considered: depressed coffee prices (average auction price 1998/99-2017/18); coffee marketing (weight and value of Kenyan coffee sold through Direct Sales System and the value and weight of coffee traded between 2007/2008 and 2017/2018 through Nairobi Coffee Exchange); cost of coffee production (determined by average production cost in Kenya); levels of consumption of coffee in Kenya ( determined by average proportion in percentage of coffee consumption by coffee exporting countries and average proportion in percentage of coffee consumption by coffee exporting countries); coffee competition with other enterprises (determined by coffee production in comparison with tea and horticulture from 1961-2018); source of agricultural credit; levels of women and youth participation in coffee farming (determined by access to agricultural credit by gender); source of financing coffee sector (determined by agricultural credit from 1995 to 2011). The data is in one excel file indifferent sheets.



Agricultural Economics
