TIPI-valve hemodynamic measurements

Published: 13 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kw6m6ztgh3.1
Filip Schröter


This data contains measurements of various hemodynamic parameters within a hemodynamic testing device of the type HKP 2.0. The tested valves include the data of a previous publication (TIPI 2.2) as well as a biological valve (BP => Edwards Perimount 23mm) and a mechanical valve (MP => 23 mm bileaflet valve, St. Jude Medical) as references as well as the three newly developed prototypes TIPI 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4.


Steps to reproduce

The valves were measured in a HKP 2.0 hemodynamic testing device resulting in several data sets of pressure and piston position values. Out of these our measurement setup allows the calculation of various hemodynamic parameters. These values are given in this dataset. To reproduce the pressure and piston position curves one would need a suitable hemodynamic testing device as well as the aforementioned valve prototypes.


Polymer, Hemodynamics, Artificial Heart Valve
