Brain structure can mediate/moderate the relationship of behavior to brain function and transcriptome: a preliminary study

Published: 12 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kwj96f9kcb.1
Sumra Bari


File headings are as follows (please note that all measures are change metrics between Post and Pre-session, with the exception of demographic information): Virtual Reality scores (four modules: Comp= Comprehensive; Balance; SR= sensorimotor reactivity; SM= Spatial Memory); miRNA levels (miR-20a, miR-505, miR-3623p, miR-30d, miR-92a, miR-486, miR-195, miR-93p, miR-151-5p); rsfMRI fingerprint similarity (networks included: Visual (VIS), Somatomotor (SM), Dorsal Attention (DA), Ventral Attention (VA), Limbic System (L), Fronto-Parietal (FP), Default Mode Network (DMN) and subcortical regions (SUBC)); DTI-FA (networks included: Visual (VIS), Somatomotor (SM), Dorsal Attention (DA), Ventral Attention (VA), Limbic System (L), Fronto-Parietal (FP), Default Mode Network (DMN) and subcortical regions (SUBC)); Demographic information obtained from each participant: Race (W = White, AA= African American), Age (years), Years of play experience (YoE), history of diagnosed concussion (HoC; reported as the number of previous concussions), player Position, Handidness, Headache/Migraine and ADHD and Dyslexia status (here indicated under the ADHD column).



Northwestern University, Penn State


Motor Control, microRNA, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Head Injury, Neuroimaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging
