Analyzing Recycling Infrastructure Disparities in Costa Rica Through Geospatial Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations

Published: 2 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kwjfn96d6z.1


Python Code Files (.py): These Python scripts were used for Monte Carlo simulations and statistical analyses of recycling infrastructure disparities in different regions of Costa Rica, specifically focusing on Limon and San Jose. The scripts generate simulation models to assess the variability of recycling rates, simulate the financial costs associated with recycling infrastructure, and produce relevant visualizations such as recycling rate figures. The simulations and analyses support the research paper by providing detailed statistical insights and graphical representations of recycling performance. PDF Files (.pdf): The uploaded PDF files include both infographics and reference materials: Infographics for Limon, Puntarenas, and San Jose present regional data on population and housing estimates, which were used as input for the recycling rate and infrastructure simulations. Reference documents on solid waste management in Latin America and the Caribbean provide context on regional waste management practices, while documents on tariffs and costs for January 2024 supply financial data used in the simulations for evaluating the cost efficiency of recycling infrastructure.



Waste Management, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
