Data and supplementary material of the article: Individual egg production of Hy-Line Brown hens during the early laying phase in response to dietary crude protein levels
This repository contains the supplementary files of the article: E.H. Cabezas-Garcia, D.E. Rodríguez-Aguilar, G. Afanador-Téllez. 2022. "Individual egg production of Hy-Line Brown hens during the early laying phase in response to dietary crude protein levels" to be published in the journal Animal - Open Space. This study was conducted from May 2004 to January 2005 in a Poultry Research Unit belonging to Tibaitatá Research Center of the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA) located in the municipality of Mosquera, Colombia (4º41՛07՛՛ N, 74º12՛17՛՛ W). The aim was to investigate the effects of graded increase of crude protein (CP) in the diet on individual performance of laying hens up to 54 weeks of age. Forty Hy-Line Brown hens, 18 weeks old, were divided into five treatments of eight replicates each and were fed diets formulated to have five different CP concentrations: 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18% CP, respectively with the same energy content. For each diet, the contents of lysine, methionine + cysteine, threonine and tryptophan were maintained at minimum requirement concentrations by supplying synthetic amino acids. Clutch characteristics were recorded (e.g., number, length, patterns, egg weight, etc.) and individual egg production curves modeled according to the non-linear model by Grossman and Koops (2001). Clutch was defined as the unstopped length of individual egg production on a daily basis. Body weight (BW) was recorded on a weekly basis to account for changes in BW during the experimental period. Dataset is split in four raw data components: 1. Feed intake (weekly means by treatment), 2. Individual BW´s and 3. Individual egg production on a weekly basis, and 4. Individual clutch data on a daily basis. For statistical analyses purposes, the meaning of the label "Week" may differ depending on the txt file chosen. In the case of intake, BW, and clutch data, it refers to weeks of age, whereas for individual egg curves data that means week of production from the onset of laying cycle. In the clutch data file (HyLineBrown_IndClutches.txt), the star symbol "*" means a day with no egg laid and this accounts for at least one-day pause between two consecutive clutches. Within-clutch data (daily basis) is filled with egg weight values (g). Supplementary Table and Figures are also included in pdf format as follows: 1. Amino acids profiles (%) of the diets (Table S1) analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) according to AOAC official method 914.12 (AOAC, 1998), 2. Plot of residual values of total CP and amino acid contents (%) as calculated in the diet formulation and analyzed by HPLC (Figure S1), 3. Laying patterns of individual hens recorded as clutch waves (CW) on a weekly basis (Figure S2), and 4. Curves of expected performance of Hy-Line Brown laying hens according to management guides: 2002-2004 vs. 2018 (Figure S3). Details for Table S1 and for supplementary figures are provided in the METADATA.docx file.