The essence of acquisition time of airborne hyperspectral and on-ground reference data for classification of highly invasive annual vine Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. &. Gray

Published: 20 January 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/kx47c9r5tt.2
Dominik Kopec, Agata Zakrzewska, Anna Halladin-Dąbrowska, Justyna Wylazłowska, Łukasz Sławik


Reference data established in spring (R1), summer (R2), autumn (R3). Reference polygons were established for both E. lobata sites and for the background class (absence of E. lobata).


Steps to reproduce

Simultaneously with the acquisition of HS data (up to three days after airborne data acquisition), on-ground reference data (reference polygons) were obtained. Field surveys have been conducted three times: in spring (reference no. 1 = R1), summer (reference no. 2 = R2) and autumn (reference no. 3 = R3) by one person. Reference polygons were established for both E. lobata sites and for the background class (absence of E. lobata).


Uniwersytet Lodzki


Reference Material, Invasive Plants
