Panoramic radiographs with periapical lesions Dataset

Published: 10 April 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/kx52tk2ddj.3
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Apical periodontitis is a common dental disease. The periapical lesions in radiographs are important symptom to diagnosis apical periodontitis. The application of machine learning in detection of periapical lesions is a hot topic in dentistry. This dataset of panoramic radiographs with periapical lesions from real-world patients. This dataset can be used to train a deep learning model for apical lesions detection. This dataset provides 3926 radiographs. In order to enhance the dataset, the original images was scaled, rotated, flipped and added noise, expanding to. This dataset contains three main folders: Original JPG Images, Augmentation JPG Images, Image Annotations. The folder size of the dataset is



Hanoi Medical University


Machine Learning, Conservative Dentistry, Endodontic Radiography
