Cardamom Spot Prices
The time series daily data on Cardamom Prices traded at The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited for the period 23 February 2006 to 31 December 2015 were used to identify the relationship between spot and futures prices. The spot prices data set were classified into near month futures, mid month futures and far month futures based on the maturity date. The findings indicate no relationship between spot and near month, mid month, far month futures of cardamom during the study period. The first sheet gives the raw data on cardamom prices and its logarithmic returns, the second, the third and the fourth sheet gives the data on near month futures , mid month futures and far month cardamom futures along with logarithmic returns
Steps to reproduce
The daily data on Cardamom spot prices traded at The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited were downloaded from the official website The data can be used by researchers for the purpose of developing/studying econometrics models related to Commodity Derivatives and Risk Management.